Daisy Rae Travel

Daisy Rae Travel

Empire Bluff Trailhead

EMPIRE BLUFF TRAILHEAD When I first moved to Traverse City I promised myself I would never write about the Empire Bluff Trailhead on my blog. Although most people I know who live in the Traverse City area know about it, it still seemed to always feel “a bit off the …

A Love Letter To My Chacos…

Exactly 6 years ago I was packing my bag to visit a good friend from college. At this point in my life, we had been friends for about four years (we’ve been for almost ten now!) and I had been through about 57 different phases in my life with him. …

Kew Mae Pan Trail in Doi Inthanon National Park, Northern Thailand

MONTH VISITED:  Mid-February WEATHER: 52 F at Sunrise ☁️💨 BUSY ? Yes LENGTH: 3 KM Round-trip (viewpoint is about halfway) TIME: Takes 2-3 hours DIFFICULTY: 4/5 out of 10 Make sure you check your travel dates! Doi Inthanon National Park, (including the Kew Mae Pan Nature Trail) is closed during rainy season so it’s …