*All photos were taken with my iPhone 8 and all beautiful humans were asked permission prior to snapping their photograph*
If you don’t have time to read this whole blog post that’s alright, just click this link, Suan Sati ,and book their yoga and meditation retreat. I’m serious. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to recommend something to everyone I know more. These 6 days were some of the hardest and best days of my life. Hard, because I was alone with my thoughts for longer periods than I ever have been and happiest because although doing something new can be tough- the end results were so so worth it.

A few months before I left for Thailand I was googling random shit and thought, “I wonder if I want to do a yoga retreat when I am there?” I practice yoga a few times a week but I am nowhere near a “yogi”, so of course, I got intimidated when I first started searching. I then decided I would do one when I was in the North because mama ain’t doing yoga in 95-degree weather and it’s a bit cooler up there! I typed in “Chiang Mai Yoga Retreat” into my search and started scrolling. Suan Sati was one of the first to come up and I was intrigued because it had great reviews, encouraged all levels and it was located a bit outside the city. I knew I wanted to be surrounded by nature if I was going to do a yoga retreat, so this looked perfect AND they were offering Winter Yoga and Meditation Retreats. I reached out to them and am still blown away how quickly they got back to me! I sat on it for a few days and decided to book it. It’s quite funny looking back to pre-Suan Sati days because I had no idea what I was about to experience, to say this retreat was life changing may sound cliche but it’s exactly what it was. There a million reasons why I would encourage any and everyone to visit this retreat but here are my main ones in no particular order!
Before I get started I must say that Suan Sati is expanding and moving to a new and even MORE beautiful location within the next year or so! The retreats will still be the same but there will be MOUNTAIN views, so if you look at these pictures remember that you may be at a different location.
When I think yoga retreat my first thought is “expensive” and that’s because all the ones I have read about range from $600-$5,000 for the week. I’ve seen photos of stunning pools, Lululemon everything

Once again being honest, after seeing the price I thought “Ok accommodation must be camping, or the food isn’t going to be great.” Nope. Not here at Suan Sati. Will and the Suan Sati family have worked their asses off to create a space that is gorgeous, comfortable AND affordable. Keep in mind you are in the jungle and there are spiders, bugs, etc. but there’s something about being directly in nature that makes this experience even more magical. Just imagine you are practicing yoga and meditation 5-6 hours a day and then you get to end your day with an outdoor shower under the full moon! Basically, all you need to know is it’s affordable because they believe retreats like this should be accessible to everyone, not because you’re getting less. Oh and LOL at me thinking we’d be camping, I slept in the most comfortable twin bed I ever have in my life. I really want this blog to be descriptive but not give too much away, so here are a few pictures and if you’re looking to learn more about the accommodation options click, HERE.

I can’t even begin to put into words how much I love these three humans. They have dedicated their lives to sharing the positive impact yoga, meditation and permaculture can have on your life and the lives around you. They taught me so much in 6 days by introducing so many different styles and techniques for yoga, meditation, music, permaculture and basically just guiding me to be my best, mindful and loving self. I’ve never been able to truly feel the connection of mind and body and they were so patient with me and everyone else while we learned new things. They all have different backgrounds and come from different parts of the world, but have come together to provide a once in a lifetime experience. Meet Will, Lisa and Natasha!

Ok. Wow. The food here was unbelievable. I have always loved vegan food but they took it to the next level at this yoga and meditation retreat. This was some of my favorite food I have ever had and every day it was made fresh and with so much love! What is so awesome about Suan Sati is that they ask ahead of time if there are allergies and honor them with no questions asked- they just ask you open your mind to eating vegan for the week. Every day the presentation was stunning and it always tasted insanely good. They even had waffles and banana bread some mornings. SO. DAMN. GOOD.

I took a ton of pictures of the fruit because it was always so gorgeous but some of my favorites were the mushroom Khai soi, fried spring rolls, and their zucchini bread is still something I’m dreaming about. I never had a meal I didn’t enjoy at Siam Sati!

Maybe I just didn’t read the description well, but I just assumed this retreat would be yoga, meditation, eat, sleep and repeat. I had no idea how many activities would be offered and included in the retreat price. Every day we had an optional morning and afternoon retreat. If you were tired from the morning practice or needed some alone time you didn’t have to go but they were always awesome so I never missed one! They like to switch up the activities at each retreat but for the week I was there, they offered an Alignment Workshop, Game Night, Cooking Class, Singing Circle, Wim Hof Breathing Workshop, Q and A Session with the owner, Will, Art Jam and Ecstatic Dance! These were all included but they even had a massage therapist and sound healing therapy you could pay extra for.

For the hundredth time, it’s quite hard to put this yoga and meditation retreat into words. I spent less than a week with this beautiful group of humans but felt a connection with them I have with so few people in my life. I trusted them, I opened up about things most of my friends have never heard me talk about and most importantly- I laughed and cried with them, CONSTANTLY😂. The staff here, the group, the volunteers and of course the teachers is a group of people that witnessed me as my best self. It might be hard to wrap your head around being in front of strangers and sharing your deepest darkest secrets, but thanks to Will and the Suan Sati team you don’t need to worry about that! Of course, our first instinct is to feel vulnerable, but they create a safe space so that you can share at your own space and feel confident doing so!

As I sit here in Northern Michigan writing about this experience all I can think about is how fortunate I was to experience these things with these humans. Although you feel as if you are in a bliss bubble here at Suan Sati you also learn how to incorporate these feelings and actions into your everyday life. Will reminded us when we leave and go back to the “real world” is when the practice really begins and also that…

So to summarize this post, nothing could have prepared me for this amazing experience. If you are seeking growth, clarity, compassion, mindfulness, acceptance, contentment, and so much more a yoga and meditation retreat is for you! If you’re looking to strengthen your mind and work through your pain and honor it with a soft and open heart, I couldn’t recommend this safe space more. 🦋
The family I met, the beautiful and hardworking staff and most importantly the teachers, thank you. I love who I am at Suan Sati and I will forever hold this week so deeply in my heart.
Click the link to learn more about the space and the retreat, Suan Sati.
Have you been to a yoga retreat? Where was it? Did you love it!? Comment below and let me know if there are any I should check out next. Also, click the link to read about my other Thailand Adventures!